Fri. Oct 18th, 2024
Vegetable cultivation at household level

Vegetables are termed as “safety food”

Vegetables are termed as “safe food” due to their nutritional and medical importance and are the main component of the human diet. They contain all the necessary nutrients for maintaining health and optimal development of the body, such as starch, protein, vitamin, salts, iron, lime, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, etc. in abundance, which are available in small amounts in other food grains Medicinally, the usefulness of vegetables is unquestionable. Vegetables not only help in the removal of waste materials from the body but are equally useful for cleaning the cholesterol layers in the intestines and for the growth of the brain. The balanced use of vegetables helps the body to develop immunity against various diseases and stomach acidity. also eliminates

Adorn your table with green

As Muslims, our religion also guides us regarding our diet. There are various hadiths of our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) about the importance of vegetables, such as: “Adorn your table with green things, because a table with green salad is Angels come there.” Another saying of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, is that: “O people: eat garlic and treat it.” Similarly, once the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said to Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqa, “O Ayesha, when you If you cook it, put pumpkin in it because it is a strength for sad hearts.

Estimate by food experts

According to an estimate by food experts, it is very important to consume 300 to 350 grams of vegetables per person per day for the best growth and development of the human body. While in Pakistan, this rate is less than 120 grams per person per day. One of the main reasons is that the production is low and expensive. It is necessary to use all our resources to increase the production of vegetables as much as possible. Malnutrition can be overcome. In view of the increasing inflation in the present era, it is important not only for the low-income group but for all the sections to promote vegetable cultivation at the household level i.e. kitchen gardening.

Kitchen gardening refers to the cultivation of vegetables

Kitchen gardening refers to the cultivation of vegetables on a domestic scale.. Home lawn for kitchen gardening. , pots of different designs made of clay, stone or plastic, new or old wooden crates or bins, plastic boxes, plastic bags, household waste bins, buckets, baskets, old tires, houses if there is no lawn The terrace is the best place.

spring vegetables are available for kitchen gardening,

A variety of winter and spring vegetables are available for kitchen gardening, some of which are grown in nurseries while others are grown directly from the beach. Vegetables grown through nursery include tomato, onion, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and lettuce, while vegetables grown directly from seed include radish, carrot, peas, turnip, spinach, coriander, thyme, fenugreek and mustard etc. Included.

While choosing a place for kitchen gardening,

While choosing a place for kitchen gardening, take special care that the land is smooth and water for irrigation is also available in abundance and there is a way to drain the excess water. Also, choose an open place so that Due to the fresh air, the attack of diseases is also reduced and the plants can benefit from sunlight for at least 6 hours. In the place where there is more shade, green leafy vegetables like coriander, mint, spinach, salad and fenugreek should be cultivated. Cultivate vine vegetables along the fence of the house. And keep the rows of grapes facing north and south so that the plants get more sun. For kitchen gardening, household items can be used, including a hoe, Kharpa, sickle, kasula, cord, fountain, cutter, rake, spray machine, tape and plastic pipe are necessary for applying water.

Department of Agriculture Extension staff is essential.

In kitchen gardening, it is important not to use agricultural poisons for the control of pests, insects, diseases and weeds in order to avoid the harmful effects of agricultural poisons because the effect of any poison lasts for two to several days. While among the vegetables grown at home, some vegetable is always used, and then there are reservations in this matter in homes with children. However, if the use of chemical poisons is unavoidable in some situations, then the advice of the Department of Agriculture Extension staff is essential. Use only safe and short-acting pesticides and try to practice good agricultural practices such as keeping the garden clean and removing excess weeds and weeds.

Apart from this, during the preparation of the land

Apart from this, during the preparation of the land, make sure that there is good sunlight so that the eggs of insects and the germs of diseases are destroyed by the intensity of the light. Plant the plants at the recommended spacing for better air circulation and access to light. Never use raw dung manure as it harbors the eggs and hatchlings of termites and other insects. Do not plant vegetables of the same family repeatedly in the same place. Destroy weeds by hoeing or by hand or If you see a few bugs and insects, catch them with your hands and kill them

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